KFRI Milestone of Activities

Golden Years of Nurturing Nature and Knowledge : 1975-2025

  • ‘Field Guide to Animal Signs’ 2004

    Published book on ‘Field Guide to Animal Signs’.

  • Published ‘Biodiversity documentation' 2004

    Published ‘Biodiversity documentation for Algae, Fungi, Lichens, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Flowering plants, Insects, Freshwater Fishes, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals of Kerala.

  • Silver Jubilee Building and Training Centre 2004

    Silver Jubilee Building, Extension and Training Centre and Trainees Hostel inaugurated by Hon’ble Chief Minister, of Kerala, Shri. Oommen Chandy.

  • Released ‘Three Decades of Research in KFRI’ 2004

    Released ‘Three Decades of Research in KFRI’. This is a compilation of the technologies developed by Scientists of KFRI over the past three decades. Many of the technologies are suitable for adoption or readily usable by different clients such as forest managers, wood based industries, farmers, researchers etc.,

  • Transfer of HPNPV technology 2004

    For controlling teak defoliator outbreaks, the transfer of HPNPV technology was developed and transferred to the Kerala Forest Department

  • Transfer of HPNPV technology 2004

    For controlling teak defoliator outbreaks, the transfer of HPNPV technology was developed and transferred to the Kerala Forest Department

  • Plantation technology for commercially important timbers 2004

    Published ‘Plantation technology for commercially important timbers.

  • KFRI organized the 17th Kerala Science Congress 2005

    KFRI organized the 17th Kerala Science Congress. This event provides a platform for young researchers, academicians, technologists and others across the State and elsewhere to discuss, exchange and share their research findings and technologies developed, relevant to the State of Kerala.

  • ‘Field Trials for Controlling Mikania 2005

    Published book on ‘Field Trials for Controlling Mikania Infestation in Forest Plantations and Natural Forests in Kerala’

  • Action Plan (SBSAP) for Kerala 2005

    Published ‘State Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (SBSAP) for Kerala’.

  • CD on Flowering plants of Kerala 2006

    Released CD on Flowering plants of Kerala: a Checklist.

  • TREEID- A computer-aided tree identification network 2006

    TREEID- A computer-aided tree identification network to identify the trees of Kerala was released.

  • KFRI awarded patent for Bio-Pesticide 2006

    KFRI awarded patent - Indian Patent No. 218518 titled “A Process of Manufacture of a Bio-Pesticide based on a naturally occurring Nucleopolyhedrovirus of the group Baculovirus and use thereof for the Management of the teak defoliator pest Hyblaea puera

  • Established the Central Instrumentation unit (CIU) of KFRI 2006

    This facility is for providing analytical services to the scientific community within and outside KFRI. Presently, this unit is elevated as Centre for Analytical Instrumentation - Kerala by increasing the instrument capabilities and infrastructure facilities, thus ensuring the continued services to research and academic communities. The new centre functions as a collaborative programme of Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) and KSCSTE-KFRI

  • Started functioning as the secretariat of FAO-APFISN at KFRI 2006

    Started functioning as the secretariat of FAO-APFISN at KFRI. The Asia-Pacific Forest Invasive Species Network (APFISN) has been established as a response to the immense costs and dangers posed by invasive species to the sustainable management of forests in the Asia-Pacific region.

  • Started functioning of Bamboo Technical Support Group (BTSG) – KFRI 2006

    Started functioning of Bamboo Technical Support Group (BTSG) – KFRI with the support of the National Bamboo Mission, Govt. of India. BTSG-KFRI serve as a unit providing support to the National Bamboo Cell in technical and research matters. Currently, BTSG-KFRI has expertise in the following areas taxonomy, identification of bamboos, plantation technology, propagation, remote sensing and GIS technology, socio-economics and livelihood potential, value addition and marketing, preservative treatments, pest and disease management. The website is www.bambooinfo.in

  • KFRI organised FAO-APFISN meeting 2006

    KFRI organised the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - Asia-Pacific Forest Invasive Species Network (APFISN) meeting.

  • Inauguration of Bioresource Nature Park 2007

    Inauguration of Bioresource Nature Park by Shri. Binoy Viswam (Hon’ble Minister for Forests and Housing, Kerala

  • Dr. R. Gnanaharan joined as Director 2007

    Dr. R. Gnanaharan joined as Director, KFRI (January 2007- May 2008)

  • KFRI Arboretum work completed with 3200 accessions 2008

    KFRI Arboretum work completed with 3200 accessions belonging to 178 species under 50 families and 128 genera in which more than 50 taxa endemic to southern Peninsular India. It is also recognized internationally by Index Seminum with ID No. 1518 and also enlisted in the National Network of Botanical Gardens in India.

  • KFRI took over the exclusive journal for Bamboo and rattan research 2008

    KFRI took over the exclusive journal for Bamboo and rattan research, “The Journal of Bamboo and Rattan” from VSP/E. J. Brill. JBR is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal published quarterly by KFRI covering the broad areas of bamboo and rattan. The website is https://www.jbronline.org/

  • Started TEAKNET secretariate at KFRI 2008

    This is an International Network of institutions and individuals interested in teak. The Secretariat located in KFRI addresses the interests of all the categories of stakeholders of teak- growers, traders, researchers etc. and it formulates action plans focusing on the short and long-term needs of the global teak sector. A newsletter “TEAKNET Bulletin’ is also published.

  • The first Dr. K.M. Bhat Memorial Award 2008

    The first Dr. K.M. Bhat Memorial Award is instituted in the fond memory of Dr.KM Bhat, an eminent scientist who has made original contributions in the area of wood science and technology. The first Award was awarded to Dr. Sujanapal. P

  • 2008

    Published the ‘Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Processing and Marketing of Teak Wood Products of Planted Forests.’

  • Dr. K V Sankaran, joined as Director 2008

    Dr. K V Sankaran, joined as Director, KFRI (May 2008- October 2012)

  • Handbook of Lesser Known Timbers with a CD. 2008

    Published Handbook of Lesser Known Timbers with a CD.

  • The Wildlife Museum was established 2009

    The Wildlife Museum was established in the Department of Wildlife Biology. The museum displays rare specimens of wildlife, which were collected as part of different research programmes. The specimens are mostly stored as wet collections with over 800 specimens collected from various forest areas and reservoirs.

  • The first Dr. C. Chandrasekharan Memorial Endowment Award 2010

    The first Dr. C. Chandrasekharan Memorial Endowment Award, an endowment instituted after Dr. C Cherukat Chandrasekharan, an eminent scholar in tropical forestry and earlier Chief of Non-Wood Products and Energy Branch, Forest Products Division of the Forestry Department of FAO and founder of the reputed newsletter the ""Non-Wood News" was awarded to Dr. Joyce Jose.

  • Rust fungi of Kerala’ 2010

    Published book on ‘Rust fungi of Kerala’.

  • 22nd Kerala Science Congress at Peechi 2010

    KFRI organized the 22nd Kerala Science Congress at Peechi during 29-31 January 2010. The Science Congress was inaugurated by Mr. V. S. Achuthanandan, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Kerala. The inaugural session was chaired by Dr. E. P. Yesodharan, Executive Vice President, KSCSTE. Mr. K. P. Rajendran, Hon’ble Minister for Revenue inaugurated the Exhibition organized in connection with Science Congress.